Sunday 25 September 2011

Burning pages

I went to a wedding reception last week. Someone who I've known for 13 years. She of course looked beautiful  in her wedding dress, but as happy as I was for her, it was probably one of the most surreal times of my life.

It only seemed like yesterday when we were going in seedy rock clubs and trying to dance to songs that we thought made us look cool. I recognised a good few people at the reception. All with kids, married, overweight etc.

I spoke to the bride-no longer than 2 minutes. It seemed like after 13 years of knowing her, in those 2 minutes I had absolutely no idea who she even was. Will I ever get to know her again?? What happened to all the talks that we had?? All the times we went out?? All the memories?? Where did they even go??

It felt like I had been reading a really long amazing book but after every page I read, the page had set on fire and I would never be able to read it again no matter how good it was-until eventually no matter how hard I tried to remember reading this book, to remember the words from this book, I would eventually forget some pages, some chapters. And some things that make me who I am now. I couldn't help but feel a bit lost.

It was only until a few days later after thinking about it a lot that I felt less empty and that the good thing about it all was that I actually realised that I still hopefully have a lot of my own book still to write and that while it still lasts, I and everybody I know can at least enjoy reading it as much as possible-even if a lot of the pages may get forgotten in time.

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